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007 der morgen stirbt nie psx scene

007 der morgen stirbt nie psx scene 007 der morgen stirbt nie psx scene

Smiththe Nanda king who was deposed and slain by Chandragupta was of low caste and aheretic hostile to the Brahmanas and the Kshatriyas. Winternitz translates the verse as follows:' This text-book has beencomposed by him, who quickly and impatiently raised the Arthasastra (fromformer imperfect text-books) passed his sword and took the earth that hadpassed to the Nandas (out of their hands).' We can have it translated thus:'This treatise was written by him by whom the Sastras (not necessarily theArthasastra), the science of weapons and the earth that had passed to the Nandakings were soon and in jealous anger raised aloft.' According to V. However, the name Chanakya is connected with the birth-place ofVishnugupta and has been popularly used by writers and readers.'ĭr. Bhandarkar opined, 'for the promotion of truth and history, thename Kautilya should be discarded and Kautalya must be adopted.' However,substituting the name Kautalya in place Kautilya is not an easy task asinnumerable writers mention the 'distorted' name Kautilya in their books andessays. The ancient manuscripts of the Arthasastra consist of the nameKautalya. The Gotra (tribal name) of Chanakya wasKutla and hence Chanakya, as a descendant of that Gotra, must be called asKautalya.

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Samakaraya wrote in his commentary on Kamandaka's Nitisara,'Vishnugupta is the name given at the naming ceremony and Chanakya and Kautilyaare connected with the birth-place and Gotra respectively.' The name Kautilyacontains to some extent, an error. In ancientIndia (321-296 B.C.) a unique economic policy and law were set forth b圜hanakya (Vishnu gupta), who was a great statesman, economist, philosopher andlaw-giver.

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